Teshuvah, Day 13

Day 5 of the 119th Psalm, verses 33-40.

“33 Teach me, O YHWH, the way of Your statutes; and I will keep it to the end.
“34 Give me understanding, that I may keep Your Law and observe it with my whole heart.
“35 Lead me in the path of Your commandments, for I delight in it.
“36 Incline my heart to Your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!
“37 Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in Your ways.
“38 Confirm to Your servant Your promise, that You may be feared.
“39 Turn away the reproach that I dread, for Your rules are good.
“40 Behold, I long for Your precepts; in Your righteousness give me life!”
– Psalm 119:33-40

The Breakdown

Verse 33: A prayer that YHWH will teach us His statutes so we can keep them. The New Covenant prophecy says that He will write His Law on our hearts.

Verse 34: A prayer for understanding of YHWH’s Law.

Verse 35: Another prayer for guidance in His path, for it is a delight.

Verse 36: A prayer for keeping in line with God’s ways.

Verse 37: A prayer that YHWH will keep our eyes on His ways only.

Verse 38: The Good News Translation says, “Keep Your promise to me, Your servant—the promise You make to those who obey You.” This refers to Deuteronomy 28 where blessings are promised to those who obey God’s Law.

Verse 39: Just like the previous verse, the reproach refers to the consequences in Deuteronomy 29 for disobedience to God’s Law. The writer acknowledges that God’s judgements are good concerning the blessings and the curses.

Verse 40: Obedience to God’s righteous rulings indeed give life to the follower.

Lord, help me to see the righteousness that comes from living in obedience to Your ways. Amen.


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