Tag Archives: wife

Genesis – TP #4.4 – Abraham and Abimelech

After the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham left Mamre and moved south to Gerar. Abraham told Sarah to tell the people that she was his sister, just like he did in Egypt. Had he not learned his lesson the last time he tried this?

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Genesis – TP #3.4 – Hagar and Sarai

Genesis 15:4 “And at once the voice of the Lord came to [Abram], saying, “[your house servant] will not be your heir, rather one who will come from you, he will be your heir.”

God promised Abram that the inheritance would be for his son. But Sarai was without children. Rather than talk to God about it, Sarai had a plan for Abram.

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Genesis – TP #1.2 – Adam and Eve

Genesis chapter two gives more details about day six of creation and Adam and Eve, whereas chapter one just says that God made male and female in the image of God. But before that, it says something interesting about the vegetation.

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