Tag Archives: Teshuva

How Do You Return to a Place You’ve Never Been?

The Days of Teshuva, Part 4

In part 2, we learned that teshuva means to return to the paths of righteousness as written in the Torah. But what if you’ve never been taught the Torah? What if you were taught that Christians don’t need the Torah? Do we really need to do teshuva in that way?

Torah simply means instructions. The Torah is God’s instructions for how He wants us to live. What follower of God doesn’t want to live the way He designed for us? Maybe you’ve been taught that the Torah was just for the Jews and not for Gentile believers. Is it possible that God gave instructions to one group of people that He didn’t expect the rest of humanity to follow?

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To Lent or Teshuva, That is the Question

The Days of Teshuva, Part 3

So far, we’ve learned that the Days of Teshuva have begun and vaguely why they are at this time of year, and we’ve also learned what teshuva means. You may be able to see how Teshuva is similar to Lent. What I haven’t mentioned yet is that the days of teshuva are forty in number, just like Lent. One has to wonder, if the Days of Teshuva already exist, then why do most people celebrate Lent? I’ll get to that in a moment, but first I want to tell you about some observations and traditions about the 40 Days of Teshuva.

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The Meaning of Teshuva

The Days of Teshuva, Part 2

If the Days of Teshuva sound foreign to you, that is not a surprise. Most pastors don’t preach on the subject. And if they do, they tend to associate it with Easter and the days more commonly known as Lent. That’s understandable since they are both relating to the same thing. So, why the change from Teshuva to Lent? We’ll get to that in part three.

What are the Days of Teshuva?

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The Days of Teshuva

Part 1

The Days of Teshuva are upon us. And they came quicker than expected. That’s because of a calendar shift on my part as I will explain in a moment.

If the Days of Teshuva are something that is new to you, I will apologize in advance. That will be explained in part 2. For now, I need to explain the calendar change. That may also be new to you. Even though we still live under the Gregorian calendar and the posts will be dated by such, the timing of things that happen through this Bible study will follow the Creator’s calendar as mentioned throughout the Scriptures. Having said that, the Creator’s calendar is not a step-by-step method for determining when a day, month, or year begins. All you have to do is perform a web search to see that there are varying opinions on what the Scriptures say about how to keep the days, etc.

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