Tag Archives: study

Reminder on the Timing of Posts

The Feast of Tabernacles begins on Monday, September 20th, as the sun goes down. That means that the first Torah portion will be the Sabbath after the Feast is over in eight days. The posts for that Torah portion will begin the Sunday before that Sabbath. Each Torah Portion will be the same way, with the post beginning the Sunday before and going through the week. Just to be clear, the first post for the first Torah portion will be on Sunday, September 26th during the Feast of Tabernacles. All the posts during that week will be for the first study on Sabbath, October 2nd.

Enjoy the Feast, and get ready for Bible Study!

How is This Bible Study Going to Work?

I decided to start this Bible Study blog for a few reasons. For starters, I’ve worked with both youth and adults and sadly have found that no matter the age, a lot of people come to a study unprepared for the topic. In other words, they don’t read the material beforehand so that they are ready to discuss it. This means that most of the time is spent going over the material rather than having discussions about it, and in a Sunday School setting that only has about 50 minutes, that means a lot of the material gets missed or overlooked simply because of time constraints.

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Introduction to Emmaus Road’s Bible Study

When I started this Bible study a couple of years ago, the first session was simply called, “An Introduction to the Bible.” I won’t rehash all of that here because it would be a very long post, but I thought that since we have a new site and may attract new visitors, now would be a good time to let everyone know where we’re coming from and the sources we will be using on a regular basis. Things like that.

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