Tag Archives: sons

Genesis – TP #2 – Noach Summary

This week’s portion is about six chapters, but it only has about three sections. Those sections are Noah’s calling, the Flood or Great Deluge, and Noah’s genealogy with the Table of Nations. That doesn’t mean we don’t have a lot to address. Many things are happening behind the scene from what we read in these six chapters. We may not even be able to chase all the rabbits down their holes in what we’ll find this week. Let’s look at a few things.

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Genesis – TP #1.4 – Cain and Abel

The first thing we need to bring up here is the timeline of events leading up to the birth of Cain and Abel. The Bible doesn’t indicate how much time had passed since the six days of creation. So, these are the conclusions that I’ve made based on what the text does say or suggest.

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