Tag Archives: sins

What about the Day of Atonement?

The Day of Atonement is upon us. Also known as Yom Kippur, it begins at sundown on Tuesday, October 4th, and ends on Wednesday, October 5th.

Everyone knows that Yeshua (Jesus) was crucified on Passover as our Passover lamb. John the Baptizer called Him the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The interesting thing is that the Passover Lamb doesn’t take away sin. It’s a substitutionary sacrifice. In the Exodus account, the blood of the lamb was put on the doorposts so that the death angel would pass over the house instead of killing anyone inside. But not everyone was in danger of dying. It was only the firstborns that would be taken by the death angel. The lamb was slain so that the firstborns would not be. No atonement of sin took place on Passover. The whole family of Israel (they were not a nation yet) was spared any mourning of death because the lambs were substitutes for them.

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Genesis – TP #4.2 – The Destruction of Sodom, part 1

The Angels Arrive in Sodom

Everyone has heard of Sodom and Gomorrah. Was it an actual event or just a metaphor? Was it about the sin of homosexuality or the absence of hospitality? Everyone has an opinion about what it is all about. You can read the story without interruption in Genesis. But here, we’ll break down the elements of what is happening and throw in some archeological evidence.

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