Tag Archives: sin

Genesis – TP #4.2 – The Destruction of Sodom, part 2

What Was the Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?

Sodomy is a homosexual act. We get the word from the story of Sodom, where the typical understanding is that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality. But that’s just one sin, and God said the sins were great in number. Did God remove Sodom and Gomorrah because of the repeated acts of one transgression or because many different sins were happening?

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Genesis – TP #1.6 – The Nephilim and the sons of God

First off, we need to point out that the sons of God and the Nephilim are two different things. Sometimes people conflate the two, but they are separate. I’ll start by providing the three viewpoints of what is going on in the passage of Genesis chapter 6 and then talk about each one.

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Genesis – TP #1.3 – The Fall

The Bible was written by about 40 men over 1500 years and contains 66 books (or more), and the whole collection contains one central message. The account of the Fall in Genesis 3 is the entire reason the Bible was written. Without this chapter, the Bible would be nothing more than a collection of wonderful stories and historical accounts. This chapter could be the outline for everything that is to come. Let’s see what it has to say.

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Genesis – TP #1.1 – Creation, part 3

The days of creation continued:

Day 6 – Livestock, Creeping things, Beasts of the field, Man and Woman
Day 7 – Rest

Genesis 1:24 “And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so.”

There are two things to notice from this verse. First, the phrase “according to their kinds”, and secondly, that God divided those kinds into three different categories.

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How Do You Return to a Place You’ve Never Been?

The Days of Teshuva, Part 4

In part 2, we learned that teshuva means to return to the paths of righteousness as written in the Torah. But what if you’ve never been taught the Torah? What if you were taught that Christians don’t need the Torah? Do we really need to do teshuva in that way?

Torah simply means instructions. The Torah is God’s instructions for how He wants us to live. What follower of God doesn’t want to live the way He designed for us? Maybe you’ve been taught that the Torah was just for the Jews and not for Gentile believers. Is it possible that God gave instructions to one group of people that He didn’t expect the rest of humanity to follow?

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The Meaning of Teshuva

The Days of Teshuva, Part 2

If the Days of Teshuva sound foreign to you, that is not a surprise. Most pastors don’t preach on the subject. And if they do, they tend to associate it with Easter and the days more commonly known as Lent. That’s understandable since they are both relating to the same thing. So, why the change from Teshuva to Lent? We’ll get to that in part three.

What are the Days of Teshuva?

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