Tag Archives: Seth

Genesis – TP #1.5 – Genealogy of Adam

In the post on Cain and Abel, I shared that Adam was either 130 or 230 years old when Seth was born. The genealogies of Genesis chapter 5 and chapter 11 are where the Hebrew Masoretic Text and the Greek Septuagint disagree. I will get to that in a minute, but first, let’s mention some differences between Adam and Seth that the Scripture points out.

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Genesis – TP #1.4 – Cain and Abel

The first thing we need to bring up here is the timeline of events leading up to the birth of Cain and Abel. The Bible doesn’t indicate how much time had passed since the six days of creation. So, these are the conclusions that I’ve made based on what the text does say or suggest.

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Genesis – TP #1 – B’reisheet Summary

Genesis 1:1 through 6:8 is only five chapters and a few verses, but there is so much packed into this first potion. It covers the creation, the fall, Cain and Abel, the genealogy of Adam down to Noah, and the mention of the Nephilim. We’ll go through all of that with the upcoming posts, with just a summary listed here.

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