Tag Archives: plot to kill

Passion Week – Day #6

It is now, Tuesday, the 13th of the month. The day before the Passover. 

This day might get a little confusing because of the timing of the day.  We are conditioned to think of a day beginning at midnight.  But the Jewish calendar begins the day at the setting sun when it is evening.  We’re going to be looking at the second half of the 13th, the daytime, but most of this post will actually be what happens on the 14th, in the evening, which would be the beginning of Day #7.

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Passion Week – Day #5

It was now Monday, the second day of the week, the 12th of the month. As Luke recorded (Luke 21:37-38), Yeshua spent the night on the Mount of Olives and returned to the temple to teach some more. Nothing more is recorded about what He taught aside from all the things that were mentioned yesterday. It could be that the parables and teachings were spread between Sunday and Monday, or He could have been teaching on any number of other things, as John reported at the end of his book that Yeshua did many other things that have never been written down (John 21:25).

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Passion Week – Day #1

Since the raising of Lazarus, Yeshua had left the region of Jerusalem because the Sanhedrin had sought to kill Him.  Those that had gone to Jerusalem prior to the Passover for the period of cleansing were looking for Yeshua and not finding Him (John 11:55-57).  As we saw Wednesday, Yeshua and His disciples had gone to Ephraim and stayed, and then traveled, or stayed, in Jericho on their way back to Jerusalem.  John is the only one that records Yeshua going to Bethany first (John 12:1-8) where there was a feast given for Him.  Martha helped serve the meal.

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