Tag Archives: murder

Genesis – TP #2.2 – The Flood, part 3

Genesis 8:15-17 “The Lord God spoke to Noah, saying, 16 ”Go out from the ark, you and your wife and your sons and your sons’ wives with you, 17 and bring out with you all the wild animals, all that are with you, and all flesh from birds to livestock, and every reptile moving on the earth, and increase and multiply on the earth.” ”

The flood was over. The destruction of the earth was complete; it was time to begin anew. God commanded humans and animals to increase and multiply. All future generations would be from Noah’s line, though Noah had no other children after the flood.

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Genesis – TP #1.4 – Cain and Abel

The first thing we need to bring up here is the timeline of events leading up to the birth of Cain and Abel. The Bible doesn’t indicate how much time had passed since the six days of creation. So, these are the conclusions that I’ve made based on what the text does say or suggest.

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