Tag Archives: Ham

Genesis – TP #2.6 – Genealogy of Noah

We’ve finally made it to the second genealogy of Genesis. But first, there is chapter 10 that tells us about the descendants of the sons of Noah. Chapter nine ends with the death of Noah, having lived nine hundred and fifty years. Life goes on, and the earth is populated through Noah’s sons.

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Genesis – TP #2 – Noach Summary

This week’s portion is about six chapters, but it only has about three sections. Those sections are Noah’s calling, the Flood or Great Deluge, and Noah’s genealogy with the Table of Nations. That doesn’t mean we don’t have a lot to address. Many things are happening behind the scene from what we read in these six chapters. We may not even be able to chase all the rabbits down their holes in what we’ll find this week. Let’s look at a few things.

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Genesis – TP #1.5 – Genealogy of Adam

In the post on Cain and Abel, I shared that Adam was either 130 or 230 years old when Seth was born. The genealogies of Genesis chapter 5 and chapter 11 are where the Hebrew Masoretic Text and the Greek Septuagint disagree. I will get to that in a minute, but first, let’s mention some differences between Adam and Seth that the Scripture points out.

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