Tag Archives: Hagar

Genesis – TP #4 – Vayera Summary

This Torah Portion is filled with some well-known stories. It begins with Abraham negotiating with God to spare Sodom for the sake of the righteous. Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed anyway, and Lot and his daughters escape to the mountains. This portion also contains the story of the second time Abraham tells Sarah to say she is his sister and the birth of Isaac. Hagar and Ishmael are sent away from Abraham’s house and the portion ends with the story of the sacrifice of Isaac. That’s a lot crammed in five chapters.

Most of these stories are so recognizable that there is no need to summarize them here. Let’s just jump into each section.

Genesis – TP #3.4 – Hagar and Sarai

Genesis 15:4 “And at once the voice of the Lord came to [Abram], saying, “[your house servant] will not be your heir, rather one who will come from you, he will be your heir.”

God promised Abram that the inheritance would be for his son. But Sarai was without children. Rather than talk to God about it, Sarai had a plan for Abram.

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Genesis – TP #3 – Lech Lecha Summary

Six chapters encompass this portion. It begins with Abram leaving Haran after his father dies and going to the land of Canaan. From there, he goes to Egypt during a famine and returns to the same place he left in Canaan. Abram and Lot separate ways and Lot settles around Sodom. Abram goes to battle against some kings that attacked Sodom, and afterward, we meet Melchizedek. God promises Abram a son but after many years, Sarai gives her handmaid Hagar to Abram to father a son through her. God changes Abram’s name to Abraham and makes a covenant with Abraham. Then circumcision is given as a sign of the covenant. Sarai’s name is changed to Sarah and she is promised that she will be the one to have the promised son.

As you can see, a lot happens in these six chapters. Rather than giving a snippet of each section, we’ll save that for the posts to come.