Tag Archives: First Fruits

To Feast, Or Not To Feast.

The general consensus today is that the feasts of God are not for the New Testament church. The most common reasons cited are that they are Jewish feasts and that Jesus fulfilled the feasts so we don’t have to observe them. But are either of those reasons true? Scripture has the answer.

Leviticus 23:37 “These are the appointed feasts of YHWH, which you shall proclaim as times of holy convocation, for presenting to YHWH food offerings, burnt offerings and grain offerings, sacrifices and drink offerings, each on its proper day.”

God declared that they are HIS FEASTS. To call them Jewish feasts is to dishonor God and His declaration. And if they are God’s feasts, then that begs the question of who are the feasts for? The answer is simple. God gave them as gifts for His people. Notice that He called them the APPOINTED feasts of YHWH. An appointment is an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place. In this case, it’s a time to meet with God. Why wouldn’t His people want to meet with God at the appointed times?

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