Tag Archives: Easter

What is Passion Week?

Surely you have heard of Mel Gibson’s movie “The Passion of the Christ.” The title comes from the idea that the Messiah was so passionate about His mission that nothing would stop Him from going to the cross. Passion Week is the cumulation of days during the week of the crucifixion, starting with the Triumphal Entry commonly known as Palm Sunday, and going through until Ressurection Sunday which everyone knows as Easter. But is it really a week long? Or longer? Or is it just a tradition of the Church? We’re going to look at each day leading up to the cross and beyond as it’s recorded in the Gospels. Let’s go.

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To Lent or Teshuva, That is the Question

The Days of Teshuva, Part 3

So far, we’ve learned that the Days of Teshuva have begun and vaguely why they are at this time of year, and we’ve also learned what teshuva means. You may be able to see how Teshuva is similar to Lent. What I haven’t mentioned yet is that the days of teshuva are forty in number, just like Lent. One has to wonder, if the Days of Teshuva already exist, then why do most people celebrate Lent? I’ll get to that in a moment, but first I want to tell you about some observations and traditions about the 40 Days of Teshuva.

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