Tag Archives: devotion

Hanukkah, Day 5

Romans 12:11 (GW) “Don’t be lazy in showing your devotion. Use your energy to serve the Lord.”

Life can be busy. Life can be controlling. Life can pass us by and we miss out on the things that matter most. In this verse, Paul is telling us to be active in our devotion to God. That could be in service to others, ministry, missions, giving, etc. But the most important thing in a believer’s walk is often the first thing that is forgotten or ignored, letting God talk to us through His Word.

Today, devote yourself to a Bible reading plan that is achievable. Find an accountability partner if necessary. It’s imperative to spiritual growth. Through reading what God has to say, your passion for all other kinds of service will become evident and then you will know how to use your energy to serve the Lord.

Happy Hanukkah!