Tag Archives: daughters

Genesis – TP #4.3 – Lot’s Daughters

Lot had fled north of Sodom to Zoar for safety. Lot’s two daughters were the only ones with him. Things didn’t work out so well with this situation.

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Genesis – TP #4.2 – The Destruction of Sodom, part 3

The Rescue of Lot

When morning came, the angels were still urging Lot to leave the city. Why was Lot still hesitant? Was he hoping that his two future sons-in-law would change their minds and come with them out of the city? But the angels wouldn’t wait any longer. They said, “Get up and take your wife and your two daughters that you have, and get out, so you are not destroyed by the lawless acts of the city.” (19:15). But not all arrived in safety.

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Genesis – TP #4.2 – The Destruction of Sodom, part 1

The Angels Arrive in Sodom

Everyone has heard of Sodom and Gomorrah. Was it an actual event or just a metaphor? Was it about the sin of homosexuality or the absence of hospitality? Everyone has an opinion about what it is all about. You can read the story without interruption in Genesis. But here, we’ll break down the elements of what is happening and throw in some archeological evidence.

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Genesis – TP #1.4 – Cain and Abel

The first thing we need to bring up here is the timeline of events leading up to the birth of Cain and Abel. The Bible doesn’t indicate how much time had passed since the six days of creation. So, these are the conclusions that I’ve made based on what the text does say or suggest.

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