Tag Archives: conjunction

Genesis – TP #2.3 – Days and Months

The deluge began on the twenty-seventh day of the second month, and the ark ran aground on the twenty-seventh day of the seventh month. The total is five months. The text also says the time was 150 days. That would make each month 30 days long. With the moon cycle repeating every 29.5 days, the months usually alternate between 29 and 30 days. What is going on here? There are a few possibilities, and we will go through each one.

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Genesis – TP #1.7 – Days and Months

There’s one more thing to say about this Torah portion, and that is about the timing of a day and when a month begins. There are many different beliefs about how to calculate and keep the calendar as it is described in the Bible. You may know that today we keep the Gregorian calendar that was established in the 16th century. But that calendar won’t help us with understanding the timing of things in the Bible because it is a solar-based calendar. The calendar of the Bible is lunar-solar based, meaning it uses the moon and the sun to calculate the days and months of the year. I won’t go into all the variants and beliefs, but only share what I have discovered in reading through God’s Word and observing the moon cycles myself. So here goes.

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It’s that time of year again when people start talking about when the Messiah really was born. Most theologians will agree that the December 25th date is not accurate, but there are still disagreements trying to settle on a new date. Some will argue that since the actual birth date cannot be determined, we should just leave it alone. Those that want to distance the birth from the Christmas season will still debate whether the birth happened in the spring or the fall. But does any of this matter?

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