Tag Archives: colt

Passion Week – Day #2

John records that the next day following His stay in Bethany, where they had a meal and Mary anointed Him with oil, Yeshua made His way into Jerusalem (John 12:12). Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record that Yeshua came to Bethphage at the Mount of Olives, and there, He sent two unnamed disciples on to fetch a donkey and her colt that had never been ridden (Matt. 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-10, Luke 19:28-40). From there, Yeshua rode the colt into town. You know the story. People started laying their cloaks on the ground while others cut branches from the trees (Matt. 21:8), or from the fields (Mark 11:8). Luke only records the cloaks being laid down (Luke 19:36) with no mention of branches. Also, John is the only account to record that it was palm branches that were laid down (John 12:13).

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