Tag Archives: burial

Passion Week – Day #7

The evening had come. Passover. It was now the 14th of the first month and Yeshua and His Disciples were reclining at the table. We have already gone over some of the things from yesterday’s post but not necessarily in an orderly fashion. Matthew and Mark record that they had the evening meal and Judas was exposed as the betrayer. Then they both tell of the institution of the Lord’s Supper. Luke doesn’t record Judas being called out as the betrayer but just shows that at the meal, the Lord’s Supper took place. So now, Judas has left the room and Yeshua teaches the remaining disciples. All three synoptic gospels tell of Peter’s future denial, but only Luke records the Disciples arguing over who was the greatest. And then, all three synoptics say that they left for Gethsemane. Next, we’ll see what John records about the further teachings and then get onto the arrest, the trial, and the crucifixion. It’s a long day.

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Passion Week – Day #5

It was now Monday, the second day of the week, the 12th of the month. As Luke recorded (Luke 21:37-38), Yeshua spent the night on the Mount of Olives and returned to the temple to teach some more. Nothing more is recorded about what He taught aside from all the things that were mentioned yesterday. It could be that the parables and teachings were spread between Sunday and Monday, or He could have been teaching on any number of other things, as John reported at the end of his book that Yeshua did many other things that have never been written down (John 21:25).

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