Tag Archives: Abram

Genesis – TP #3.5 – Circumcision and The Promise

Genesis 17:1,2 “Abram became ninety-nine years old, and the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, ‘I am your God. Be pleasing in My presence and be blameless, 2and I will establish My covenant between Me and you, and I will increase you very much.”

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Genesis – TP #3.3 – The Covenant

The Word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision. God promised that the heir of Abram would be Abram’s son and that his offspring would be as numerous as the stars in the heavens. Genesis 15:6 then records, “And Abram trusted God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.

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Genesis – TP #3.1 – Abram is Called

We ended the last Torah Portion with the birth of Abram and the death of his father, Terah. Terah was 70 years old when he became a father, and he lived for 205 years. Genesis 12:4 tells us that Abram was 75 when he left Haran after his father died. That would mean that Terah was 130 years old when he fathered Abram. (205-75=130). Abram was not the firstborn of Terah. And, there would have been 60 years between the firstborn and Abram. Since Nahor took one of Haran’s daughters as his wife, we may be safe in saying that Haran was the oldest, Nahor was the middle child, and Abram was the youngest. But, it’s not possible to pinpoint the age of Terah at the birth of Nahor.

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Genesis – TP #3 – Lech Lecha Summary

Six chapters encompass this portion. It begins with Abram leaving Haran after his father dies and going to the land of Canaan. From there, he goes to Egypt during a famine and returns to the same place he left in Canaan. Abram and Lot separate ways and Lot settles around Sodom. Abram goes to battle against some kings that attacked Sodom, and afterward, we meet Melchizedek. God promises Abram a son but after many years, Sarai gives her handmaid Hagar to Abram to father a son through her. God changes Abram’s name to Abraham and makes a covenant with Abraham. Then circumcision is given as a sign of the covenant. Sarai’s name is changed to Sarah and she is promised that she will be the one to have the promised son.

As you can see, a lot happens in these six chapters. Rather than giving a snippet of each section, we’ll save that for the posts to come.

Genesis – TP #2.6 – Genealogy of Noah

We’ve finally made it to the second genealogy of Genesis. But first, there is chapter 10 that tells us about the descendants of the sons of Noah. Chapter nine ends with the death of Noah, having lived nine hundred and fifty years. Life goes on, and the earth is populated through Noah’s sons.

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Genealogies Excel Sheet and pdf

As promised, here is a chart of the Genesis 5 and 11 genealogies. As you’ll see, there are blue columns and white columns. The blue columns contain the numbers provided in the Septuagint; the white columns contain the numbers from the Hebrew Masoretic. Those pairs of columns have six categories. They display the age of the fathers at the time of the births of their respective sons, then years for the rest of their lives, and the total number of years that they lived. From those numbers, we can determine the numbers that fill the following two columns, which show each person’s birth year and death year, counted from the creation. They are not BC (BCE) years. The last column is from Adam to Lamech only because it shows the number of years before the flood in which they died.

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