Passion Week – Day #8

It’s the day after Preparation Day, that being the Passover, so it is now the High Sabbath, the 15th of the first month, and the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The chief priests and Pharisees go to see Pilate to tell him that Yeshua said He would raise from the dead after three days, so they would like Pilate to place guards at the tomb until those three days were passed (Matt. 27:62-66). 

Nothing more is recorded about this day.  One can only imagine that while the city rejoices at a sacred assembly with praises to God, the disciples are in hiding, fearing for their own lives, and totally dismayed at the events of the day.

His passion appears to have been silenced.

Just to note: I mentioned before that there are some who believe that the Messiah ate the Passover meal at the appropriate time and then was crucified on the afternoon of the 15th. One of the arguments against this comes from John 18:28, which says that the cheif priests and Pharisees led Yeshua to Pilate’s headquarters but they did not go in or they would be considered defiled and could not eat of the Passover. I heard one guy say that the whole week was considered the Passover, so they were concerned about being defiled for the whole week and not being able to partake of the Feast. However, as shown above, Matthew records that they went to Pilate the next day but it doesn’t say they were concerned about being defiled and not being able to partake of the Passover. Likewise, in verse 66 it says that they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on it. Touching a tomb or anything to do with death would have made them unclean until the evening and they wouldn’t be able to partake of the Passover meal that night. That doesn’t seem to be a concern for them on this day.

It should be clear from the body of evidence that the Passover meal that they couldn’t be defiled for was indeed the Passover Meal at the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread and not any subsequent meals that would happen that week. Yeshua had to be crucified on the afternoon of the 14th so the chief priests and Pharisees could partake of the Passover meal that evening when the evening of the 15th began.

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