Passion Week – Day #4

It is now the first day of the week, the 11th of the month.  His death would come in three days.  There was much that He needed to say, so He went to the temple to teach.

On the way back to Jerusalem, Matthew records that Yeshua curses the fig tree and it immediately withers (Matt. 21:18-22), whereas Mark records that the fig tree He cursed the day before was now withered (Mark 11:20-26).

Withered fig tree

Upon arrival in Jerusalem, Yeshua enters the temple and begins teaching.  The synoptic gospels all record the chief priests, teachers of the Law, and the elders all coming to Him and questioning by what authority He did these things (Matt. 21:23-27, Mark 11:27-33, Luke 20:1-8).  Yeshua asked them to answer His question first.  “Was John’s baptism from heaven or from men?”  They would not answer so Yeshua said He too would not tell them the answer to their question.

After this, all three accounts record the parable of the tenants, paying taxes to Caesar, marriage at the resurrection, and whose son is the Christ. Mark and Luke record Yeshua commenting on the widow’s offering. Matthew alone records the parables of the two sons, the wedding banquet, the ten virgins, and the talents. He also records Yeshua telling of the sin of the Pharisees, the seven woes, the coming of the Son of Man, and the sheep and the goats, as well as His sorrow for Jerusalem.

All three accounts then record that they left the temple and the disciples commented on the beauty of the temple.  Yeshua then tells them of the signs of the end.  There are too many references to mention, so you can read them yourself in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.  John records none of these events.

After they left the temple, it says they went to the Mount of Olives and spent the night, and returned to Jerusalem in the morning.

His passion continues. 

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