Category Archives: Passover

Passion Week – Day #2

John records that the next day following His stay in Bethany, where they had a meal and Mary anointed Him with oil, Yeshua made His way into Jerusalem (John 12:12). Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record that Yeshua came to Bethphage at the Mount of Olives, and there, He sent two unnamed disciples on to fetch a donkey and her colt that had never been ridden (Matt. 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-10, Luke 19:28-40). From there, Yeshua rode the colt into town. You know the story. People started laying their cloaks on the ground while others cut branches from the trees (Matt. 21:8), or from the fields (Mark 11:8). Luke only records the cloaks being laid down (Luke 19:36) with no mention of branches. Also, John is the only account to record that it was palm branches that were laid down (John 12:13).

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Passion Week – Day #1

Since the raising of Lazarus, Yeshua had left the region of Jerusalem because the Sanhedrin had sought to kill Him.  Those that had gone to Jerusalem prior to the Passover for the period of cleansing were looking for Yeshua and not finding Him (John 11:55-57).  As we saw Wednesday, Yeshua and His disciples had gone to Ephraim and stayed, and then traveled, or stayed, in Jericho on their way back to Jerusalem.  John is the only one that records Yeshua going to Bethany first (John 12:1-8) where there was a feast given for Him.  Martha helped serve the meal.

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Passion Week – Day #0

Passion Week begins with Palm Sunday, this coming Sunday, April 2nd.  But a lot that happened leading up to the Triumphal Entry gets overlooked as though it doesn’t have a connection to the crucifixion. For instance, the raising of Lazarus. Is there a connection? Let’s look.

The Messiah returned to Bethany before going into Jerusalem, but He had been gone from Jerusalem for a while. There are a few things to tell about His return that we’ll lump into this post.  We’ll call this “day zero.”  Wednesday.

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