Category Archives: Greeting

A Change in Format

Ok. It’s clear now that I will not be able to keep up with 5-6 chapters a week. Too many personal interruptions and network issues. And there is so much to say. Summaries just don’t cut it.

And then there is the issue on this first (coming) post that research sent me on a rabbit trail so that I would not be able to make a deadline. I’m going to make a necessary change to the format.

We will not be following the Torah portions on a weekly basis. I’ll just post when I can as I move through the text. It will be more like my personal Bible study that I am sharing with you.

Feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think. I’d love to hear your feedback. And by all means, let me know if I’m missing the mark on some topic. If you have a different perspective, I’d love to hear it. Let iron sharpen iron.

Updates Coming

Well, I was planning on getting a headstart on next week’s beginning of the new Torah cycle. There’s a lot to talk about when it comes to creation. However, I was locked out of the website again for a few days this time. It just randomly started working as the weekend was ending. I had to clean up a few things on the site and then had to return to work on Monday night, so I couldn’t get anything posted as planned. This may become the norm, so I apologize in advance if I don’t get things posted in a timely fashion. This is frustrating but I’ll keep posting when I can.

More Troubles

This is getting fun, I think.

No, actually it is annoying.

Just when I thought I could get back into the swing of things, SERVER PROBLEMS.

That’s right. My host was doing some server upgrades at the end of August and I didn’t have access for a while. Then in September, I still couldn’t get on. And I also noticed that none of my email accounts were working. After spending an hour or so chatting with tech support, it turns out that the server upgrade was not the problem. It was my home wifi. I could connect with everything through other wifi connections and cell data. So, I contacted my ISP but was told that they don’t block any websites on their end. I thought I was going to have to get a different service provider. Then, lo and behold, everything started working a few days later.

I have no idea what happened, but at least I can get back on the blog. Unfortunately, I spent too much time on that problem and I’m behind again. Here’s to hoping for a great start to the new cycle in a few weeks.

Happy Feast Day Sabbath!!!

It’s the Sabbath in the middle of the Feast. I hope you all are having a great time. Unfortunately, this Sabbath means the Feast will be ending soon, but it also means that the Torah portions begin next Sabbath.

There’s something that I think I forgot to mention, and that is the haftarah. Each Torah portion includes a passage or passages from the Old Testament that are connected with the Torah portion for the week. Those passages are called the haftarah. So now, if you see that word, you’ll know what it is about. The Torah portions also include passages from the New Testament that link to the readings, but they are simply called the New Testament passages. Sorry, no fancy name for those.

So, let’s look at what Torah portion will be for next week, October 2nd.

Torah portion #1 is called B’reisheet, which means “in the beginning.”

Torah reading:
Genesis 1:1 – 6:8

Isaiah 42:5 – 43:10
1 Samuel 20:18-42

New Testament:
John 1:1-18

Throughout the week, the posts will cover the sections of the readings, but the actual reading of the Torah, haftarah, and New Testament passages will be up to you. If you keep up with the readings and the posts, then you’ll be ready for a discussion of Torah Portion #1 on October 2nd.

Enjoy the rest of the Feast, and let’s get ready for Bible Study!

Introduction to Emmaus Road’s Bible Study

When I started this Bible study a couple of years ago, the first session was simply called, “An Introduction to the Bible.” I won’t rehash all of that here because it would be a very long post, but I thought that since we have a new site and may attract new visitors, now would be a good time to let everyone know where we’re coming from and the sources we will be using on a regular basis. Things like that.

Continue reading

Our New Home on the Web!

We’ve finally move to our own domain! Just be sure to use EmmausRoadFellowhsip.ORG. The dot com address was taken. Who knew?

You can also find this page by going to and finding the link on the Repository Page.