Author Archives: Adam the 3rd

Teshuvah, Day 14

Day 6 of the 119th Psalm, verses 41-48.

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Teshuvah, Day 13

Day 5 of the 119th Psalm, verses 33-40.

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Teshuvah, Day 12

Day 4 of the 119th Psalm, verses 25-32.

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Teshuvah, Day 11

Day 3 of the 119th Psalm, verses 17-24.

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Teshuvah, Day 10

Day 2 of the 119th Psalm, verses 9-16.

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Teshuvah, Day 9

For the next 22 days, we’re going to look at each section of the 119th Psalm to see what our attitude should be like toward God’s Law. There are only eight verses in each section. Let’s begin.

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Teshuvah, Day 8

The rich, young ruler asked Yeshua, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” The Messiah answered, “If you would enter life, keep the commandments.” To fully return to God means to return to His commandments in obedience. Let’s take a look.

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Teshuvah, Day 7

When Yeshua told His disciples to take up their cross and follow Him, He also said, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” Is our love of the world getting in the way of following Him? Let’s look at what James said.

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Teshuvah, Day 6

If we want to know true grief that leads to repentance, let’s read Psalm 51.

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Teshuvah, Day 5

In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, he has to chastise the church to expel an immoral brother. In his followup letter, Paul commends them for their repentance. But more specifically, why they repented. Let’s take a look.

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