A Change in Format

Ok. It’s clear now that I will not be able to keep up with 5-6 chapters a week. Too many personal interruptions and network issues. And there is so much to say. Summaries just don’t cut it.

And then there is the issue on this first (coming) post that research sent me on a rabbit trail so that I would not be able to make a deadline. I’m going to make a necessary change to the format.

We will not be following the Torah portions on a weekly basis. I’ll just post when I can as I move through the text. It will be more like my personal Bible study that I am sharing with you.

Feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think. I’d love to hear your feedback. And by all means, let me know if I’m missing the mark on some topic. If you have a different perspective, I’d love to hear it. Let iron sharpen iron.

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