Passion Week – Day #2

John records that the next day following His stay in Bethany, where they had a meal and Mary anointed Him with oil, Yeshua made His way into Jerusalem (John 12:12). Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record that Yeshua came to Bethphage at the Mount of Olives, and there, He sent two unnamed disciples on to fetch a donkey and her colt that had never been ridden (Matt. 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-10, Luke 19:28-40). From there, Yeshua rode the colt into town. You know the story. People started laying their cloaks on the ground while others cut branches from the trees (Matt. 21:8), or from the fields (Mark 11:8). Luke only records the cloaks being laid down (Luke 19:36) with no mention of branches. Also, John is the only account to record that it was palm branches that were laid down (John 12:13).

John also records that it was the people that were there when Yeshua raised Lazarus from the dead that spread the word of His coming, and so, many people went out to meet Him, shouting, “Hosanna!” (John 12:12-19). So it was because of Lazarus’ resurrection that people came out to see Yeshua. And, even though Yeshua had predicted His own resurrection, and would again, they still did not understand.

Now, in piecing the four gospels together, we’re going to place the clearing of the temple on Saturday instead of directly after the Triumphal Entry. Here’s why: Mark records that after entering Jerusalem, Yeshua goes to the temple and looked around, but because it was late, they returned to Bethany (Mark 11:11), then the next day He cleanses the temple. Matthew just says that Yeshua entered the temple. It doesn’t say when in relation to the Triumphal Entry. Luke’s telling of the cleansing comes after Yeshua weeping over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41-45). Notice in verse 41, it says, “As He approached Jerusalem and saw the city, He wept over it.” Since He entered the city on a donkey this day (Friday) with crowds singing praises to Him, the timing doesn’t seem to correlate to Yeshua weeping over the city. It would be odd for Yeshua to weep while praises are being sung to Him. Likewise, it doesn’t make sense that He would enter the city on a donkey only to leave the city and approach it again, this time weeping. So, we’re going with the two events being on different days.

Also, the reason the Triumphal Entry is placed on Friday is Mark’s mentioning Yeshua going to the temple to look around and then leaving until the next day. The timing of a day is from sundown to sundown. Friday would have been the 9th of the month and the Sabbath would begin at sundown. (And, there is significance for the Sabbath to be the 10th of the month.) If it was late when Yeshua arrived at the temple just prior to the beginning of the weekly Sabbath, everyone would have been home to observe the Sabbath, aside from the priests that ministered at the temple overnight. The temple would have been empty. Or was it? If it was late in the day, just before the Sabbath, why did He go there? What did He look around to see?

We’ll see tomorrow as His passion moves Him.

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