Monthly Archives: September 2022

It’s Yom Teruah!

More Troubles

This is getting fun, I think.

No, actually it is annoying.

Just when I thought I could get back into the swing of things, SERVER PROBLEMS.

That’s right. My host was doing some server upgrades at the end of August and I didn’t have access for a while. Then in September, I still couldn’t get on. And I also noticed that none of my email accounts were working. After spending an hour or so chatting with tech support, it turns out that the server upgrade was not the problem. It was my home wifi. I could connect with everything through other wifi connections and cell data. So, I contacted my ISP but was told that they don’t block any websites on their end. I thought I was going to have to get a different service provider. Then, lo and behold, everything started working a few days later.

I have no idea what happened, but at least I can get back on the blog. Unfortunately, I spent too much time on that problem and I’m behind again. Here’s to hoping for a great start to the new cycle in a few weeks.