Monthly Archives: August 2022

I’m back ???

Well, this has been a crazy year, and my wife has had too many projects for me. Needless to say, this blog took a back seat, to which I hold a lot of regrets. I wish I had the time to fully invest in this blog and my other dreams, but such is not the case.

To that end, I am working on some things and hope to be posting regularly in the future. I may just have to highlight some things in the Torah portions rather than trying to cover everything for the week. I would like to have a Bible study with a group where we could discuss things and then post those highlights on the blog. Unfortunately, I’ve never been able to find anyone who wants to come over for a Bible study, so I’m a one-man show. It’s just me sharing what I’ve seen and learned. I hope you enjoy it and can learn along with me.

Stay tuned for more to come.

Oh, and today is the first day of Teshuva. The new cycle of Torah portions begins in 8 weeks!