Daily Archives: October 4, 2021

Genealogies Excel Sheet and pdf

As promised, here is a chart of the Genesis 5 and 11 genealogies. As you’ll see, there are blue columns and white columns. The blue columns contain the numbers provided in the Septuagint; the white columns contain the numbers from the Hebrew Masoretic. Those pairs of columns have six categories. They display the age of the fathers at the time of the births of their respective sons, then years for the rest of their lives, and the total number of years that they lived. From those numbers, we can determine the numbers that fill the following two columns, which show each person’s birth year and death year, counted from the creation. They are not BC (BCE) years. The last column is from Adam to Lamech only because it shows the number of years before the flood in which they died.

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Genesis – TP #2.2 – The Flood, part 1

God told Noah to build an ark. He gave Noah the dimensions, the floor plans, and the openings. He also told Noah how to make it seaworthy to withstand the deluge that was coming. What exactly was God bringing on the earth?

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